Of all 3 projects that I did for Crafting with the Stars, this is by far the one I am most proud of. You can see my other 2 projects
here and
here. When I found out the theme for the week was “baby”, I knew what I wanted to do. I figured if I was going to spend all day and night working on something, I should make something that I could use in my business afterwards. I am SO happy with the finished product. Let me tell you a bit about it, and the inspiration behind it!
The things in my life that have always been most sentimental have been the sweet words written to me by the ones that I love. When I left home for college, the thing most precious to me was a little tin of letters and cards that I saved from my parents, my siblings, and my close friends. Reading the words they wrote to me was always a comfort and made me remember my love for them. This book is something that will create a link forever between a child and his parents..something they can look back at for years and remember the love of their parents.
The book (for this week at least) I chose to name Baby Love. It is a baby book compiled of over 60 pages, each designed by me, with prompts and room to write down and record special moments from the time a mother finds out she is pregnant, through the baby’s first few years of life. This is no baby book filled with stuffed animals and cheesy illustrations, but a fresh and modern design for the hip mommy. There is room for photos and extra pages to record milestones, memories, and their first words.
My only worry with doing this book for the contest, was that people see a f
inished product..a book and say, “It’s just a book.” The hard thing with such a project is that you cannot show every page that you designed by hand on a computer..not with elements from others kits, but from scratch. It is impossible in just 3 pictures to show everything!:)
So here it is..
I LOVE the color theme for this particular book..gray, golden yellow, a blush pink and an olive green.
When the book comes out in print there will be versions for a girl and a boy, both in a traditional pregnancy and for adoption!

There will also be a version that will be unisex..for those who are not finding out what they are having!

See there really are over 60 pages in the book..and there will be more in the upcoming version:
Included in the book is a 12 month calendar with stats and picture room for each month.
One of my favorite pages is the Family Tree page..

and some unique pages:
What is happening in the world today? a place to write current events and pop culture.
as well as “The cost of life on my birthday”…what fun stats to look back at when you are grown!
There is a whole section all about the baby’s birthday…the birth story, who was there to meet you, places for pics of your doctor and nurses…
I love my finished product, and yes, I am consulting with printers right now to figure out the best way to print it and am hoping to have it for sale soon!
and there it is, folks!
These are just a few of the many pages that will be in the book, but now I want to open it up to you…any pages you wish you had in your baby books to record the perfect memory?