
A Hundred Virtues {New Print}

One of my greatest treasures in life is to be a mom. I have 4 incredibly amazing children who teach me something new each day.  When I first stopped working to become a stay at home mom, I quickly realized how much of my day was spent picking up the same thing EVERY. FEW. HOURS. I’m sure none of you can relate!;) I soon learned that much of my days at home were the same. I can clean dishes, do laundry and toilets with my eyes closed. (okay, not really..that could get really gross), but you get my drift. And I am not just talking about stay at home moms..this can apply to EVERYONE. Working moms, stay at home dads, working dads, grandmas, kids, maids, taxi drivers, nurses…you get the point. I read this quote and it stopped me in my tracks.

You know what I am greatful for?

*That I have hands that can clean toilets and do laundry.

*That I have legs to carry me around the house picking up toys and loose ends.

*That I have my health that allows me to wrestle with my kids, take them to the park, go on walks, and even run up and down my stairs a hundred times a day!

*That I have a job that keeps me busy doing worthwhile things all day long, even if I do them over and over again!

Whether it be staying at home as a mother, being a lawyer (and worrying about billing time ALL. DAY. LONG), or (you fill in the blank), I am so thankful that I can DO each day. Even if something isn’t my favorite thing to DO, I am thankful that I get to do it, because in my case, I have never learned so much temperence, self-control, diligence, strength of will, cheerfulness, and contentedness in my life by doing the same things over and over and over again. 

This year, I am printing several of these out and placing them next to the things I sometimes grumble inwardly about (hello, folding the laundry). And this year, I have a feeling that I will learn a whole lot!

I just added these fun prints to my shop. You can find them here at a discounted price for 2 weeks. This is a digital print, so it will be emailed to you within 24 hours. You can buy once and give a hundred times!

These would make a perfect gift for anyone..a perfect pick-me-up for someone..even a great baby shower gift! 

And they come in Mint(above), Coral:


and Emerald (if you want to put a pop of the color of the year in your home!)

Find the print HERE.

Folding laundry is my nemesis..what is YOURS?