
Halloween Countdown Review//Halloween Craft

I know I have said this a million times before (and don’t worry, it won’t be my last!) BUT I love creating with my kids. I have seen both of my boys really improve and stretch themselves artistically in the last year and I really think one reason they do, is because they sit with me while I create and see that it is okay to to make mistakes. They see that some mistakes can be fixed into something better and that often times starting over will just propel us to do better. We sat down to play with clay the other day with one of their friends and made these sweet pumpkins. My oldest didn’t feel like making a pumpkin so he made a turtle and it ended up being the best ride ever for Mr. Pumpkin! I look at that turtle (he didn’t look at anything to make it!) and it just makes me smile. 

So here’s to creating with your kids and seeing them work out what their eyes and brain see, with their hands!

It’s never too late to start the Halloween Countdown. You can find it here (along with a pack of printables that will make it much quicker to put together!) Find all 31 activities with links of ideas HERE.