
Hard things {new product release}

When I release a new print, I like to give a little background as to what the inspiration was behind it.  Forgive me as this one is personal to me.:)
“Each trial we overcome is to strengthen, not destroy us. The Lord will never allow us to suffer beyond what we can endure.” Robert D Hales
I have had many hard days in my life. Days when I wondered if I could get through them to the next. Days when my heart ached for loved ones struggling with illness and trials that seem to find the best of us.  Days when I look at the condition of the world and get down. Have you had those days?
And yet I can still find a sense of hope. Answers that come from sweet prayer. A knowledge that has come through experience when I realize the blessing it is to live today on earth and to raise a family now.  A knowledge that there truly is a God who cares and watches and blesses us…who truly sees the rocky seas that we live in and amidst and sees the “promised land” in front of us..and is guiding us there.  He sees what we cannot..and it is with that faith that I designed my new print.
This verse comes from one of my favorite chapters in the Book of Mormon.  One of my sisters has made this verse a motto in her family and I don’t think I could have picked a better one.  Even when times are hard, when life is lonely or even when times are great and life could not be better..isn’t it so nice to know that God is in charge of that “wind” that is getting us where He wants us!
A good reminder to have in the home..or to give to someone who needs a little boost.  The print is now up in my shop.  Head on over to check it out!