
Free Spring Cards {free download}

Yesterday I showed you the cute little Egg Carton flowers my kids made for some sweet ladies we know. Today I wanted to give you a free card to go along with them.

There are so many people around us who need a quick pick-me-up. People who may be going through a trial or a hard spot in their life. This would be a perfect card to let them know that someone was thinking of them!

So here is a challenge. Think of one person (you can do more) who can use a little sparkle in their eye. Print off these cards and send one off, or take one by. JUST ONE. Can you imagine how many smiles this will bring to the world?! The cards come in both “Thinking of you” and blank to fit your needs.

Who’s in it with me?  Who will you send one to?

Get your free cards HERE.

(don’t forget to pin and share when you take the file. thanks!)