
Countdown to Halloween Calendar {FREE DOWNLOAD}

Last month I debuted this series of calendars that I will be releasing each month for you to put together. There are many ways to make this into a flip calendar..and I’d love to hear how you are using them. 
Today I’m giving you this month’s calendar which is a:
This month instead of going up, we will countdown to that fun holiday my kids have been talking about for 3 months!:)
You can start counting down TOMORROW!

Slowly make it through the twenties…
Run through the teens…
And finally get through the single digits..
to get to THE most sugar filled crazy night of the year!
There are two cute little tags attached if you want to make it a gift:

Have so much fun with it!  You can download your calendar HERE.
Remember, if you are not yet, just become a follower over on my sidebar (just takes a minute)…Free downloads are for followers of Kiki Creates only.:)
Have I told you lately how much I appreciate you?! You are amazing. Thanks for stopping by.