Welcome to 2015, sweet readers! What a year 2014 was. It was filled with so much good. So much busy. So MUCH! I am so glad you are along on this ride with me.
Today, I am sharing my 2015 word of the year with you. I have been thinking and thinking what my word would be this year. After a lot of thought I chose my word to be…..
Why TRUST, you ask? Well, I’m so glad you asked! 😉 This year I am working on trusting.
I think trust is one of those words that is hard to put into words.
I want to completely TRUST my instincts as a woman, as a wife, as a mother, as a follower of Christ, as a business woman. I want to take care of myself so that I can really listen to, feel and hear my instincts talking. In everything.
BUT this year, the greatest thing I want to work on is putting my TRUST in the Lord with ALL of my heart. Now don’t mistake that for me not trusting Him. Because I do. BUT I am really trying hard to use my whole heart this year. I have felt Him guide my life, help me make important decisions, warn me, give me counsel and love me. I wonder if I always give Him the same love back. I get so caught up in the busy-ness of life that I don’t always rely on Him as I should. I try to get through messy days alone, I try to fight my bad habits alone, I try to be successful at 30 things alone. That is a lonely life. Those times I’ve gotten it right and really relied on Him, He is ALWAYS there and so that is my one BIG goal this year. (I’m usually a list long resolution maker, but this year I am trying to keep it simple.)
This scripture nails my word on the head this year:
I am starting the 99 cent download back up again and hope to have a new one for you at least a few times a month. Each one will come with a 5×7 in pdf and jpg format in 2 colors.
To find the Proverbs 3: 5-6 print, click HERE.
Do you have a word of the year? What is YOURS and why?