
Gold Glittered Boots {tutorial}

Can I tell you a secret? In my final look for Project Run and Play…I HATED my look until I decided to just go with it an hour before the photo shoot. I loved every piece individually, but the whole look just wasn’t coming together. I literally worked up until the second my photographer got to my house to shoot. Somehow I went from hate to love in that time, because as it turned out..I really, really loved the outfit I came up with (and even better, it was nice to prove that when I brought it all together, I made something I was proud of!). One of the pieces that brought it all together for me were these boots:

I giggle each time she wears them. They are bright and fun and an unexpected element. (And what girl wouldn’t love a pair of glittered cowboy boots?!)

To make them I simply took a pair of old cowboy boots, some mod podge and some glitter and went to town.

I brushed glue on, then glittered little by little. Once I had them all done and dried, I just simply went over it all again with mod podge to seal it. (Seriously LOVE mod podge.)

I loved how it brought the whole whimsical outfit together. Now go find some old boots and get glittering.:)

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